Essential Oils and Vegetables

Essential oils or essential oils are products obtained by extraction from aromatic plant material , that is rich in " essences . "
The extraction methods accepted definition of essential oil distillation is the steam (which is different then distillation in which the material is immersed in water and distillation in which the material is suspended above the vapor source ), the squeezing cold ( the skins or skinned fruit of the Citrus genus ) , and some authorities also dry distillation or destructive ( eg used for oil falls from Juniperus oxycedrus ) . The essential oil is then extracted a phytochemical selective in the sense that a particular phytochemical group is chosen and selectively removed from the plant.
It is worth emphasizing that the statement is highly selective , as an island component minortitaria plant (on average by 0.01 % to 2 %). The essences contained in plants are the source of essential oils as a product, but not totally overlapping them from chemical point of view , given that essential oils contain only the volatile molecules under the conditions of extraction and hydrophobic ( the molecules are volatile and hydrophilic lost in aromatic waters ) . The essences are produced by plants for many reasons, and in some cases maybe even as scrap.
The strongest hypothesis want their essences allelopathy play function , antibiotic , attraction of pollinators , brokers energy reactions .
We conclude by presenting products in this section also known as absolute oils (OA ) that differ from those essential to the extraction method .
always recommend , before use of essential oils/absolutes , the advice of a doctor or a naturopath .
Warning: The news, information and anything shown on these pages are indicative and are provided for informational purposes only and not medical. In case of problems related to your health please contact a specialist. Making self-care and self, without first advice of a professional can be dangerous. B>
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