Plants Admitted in Supplements 3
Pterocarpus indicus
lignum lignum : Regularity of intestinal transit . Natural defenses.
Pterocarpus Marsupium Roxb . lignum , Succus inspissitus Succus inspissitus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Pterocarpus SANTALINUS L. f . lignum lignum : Regularity of intestinal transit . Natural defenses.
Ptychopetalum Olacoides Benth . ( Muira Puama ) cortex , cortex former radicibus , lignum cortex , cortex former radicibus , lignum : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Antioxidant .
Pueraria lobata ( Willd. ) Ohwi . radix, rhizoma , radix, rhizoma , joint functionality . Regularity of blood pressure. Regularity of intestinal transit . adjust functionality of the cardiovascular system .
Pueraria TUBEROSA ( Roxb. ex Willd. ) DC . rhizoma rhizoma : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system , urinary tract ) . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. functionality articular .
Pulmonaria OFFICINALlS L. folium , herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Effect balsamic . Welfare of the throat. Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
Punica granatum L. flos , fructus , pericarpium , semen fructus : Antioxidant . pericarpium : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system .
Pyrola ROTUNDIFOLIA L. folium folium : Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the system tract.
Pyrus communis L. folium folium : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Prostate function .
PYRUS SORBUS Gaertn. ( syn. SORBUS DOMESTIC L.) gem Quassia amara L. lignum lignum : digestive function .
OAK L. cortex , fructus , lignum cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and the tropism of the mucous membranes .
WHITE OAK Coccifera L.cortex cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Quercus ilex L. cortex , fructus , lignum , sùrculi (young jets) cortex , fructus , lignum : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
WHITE OAK infectoria OLIV . afloat afloat : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
WHITE OAK petraea LIEBL . cortex , folium , semen cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Quercus pubescens WlLLD . cortex cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Quercus robur L. cortex , folium , afloat , bud, lignum , semen cortex , afloat : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Quercus suber L . cortex cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Control of gastric acidity .
Quillaja saponaria GOP. cortex cortex : Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Quillaja SMEGMADERMOS DC . cortex cortex : Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
RAPHANUS SATIVUS L. var . NIGER MILLER semen , semen radix , radix : digestive function . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Fluidity of secretions bronchial . Antioxidant .
RAPHANUS SATIVUS L. var . SATIVUS PERS. semen , semen radix , radix : digestive function . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Fluidity of secretions bronchial . Antioxidant .
RAPHIA pedunculata Beauv . amylum (ex trunco ) amylum : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
Ravensara AROMATlCA GMEL . fructus fructus : Effect balsamic . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper tract.
Rhamnus alpinus L. cortex , cortex fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
Rhamnus alpinus L. SSP M. fallax and P. cortex , cortex fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
Rhamnus Catharticus L. cortex , cortex immaturus fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
Rhamnus frangula L. cortex cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
Rhamnus purshiana DC cortex cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
Rehmannia GLUTINOSA ( Gaertn. ) LIBOSCH . radix radix : Hepatic function
Rheum emodi WALL . radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
Rheum hybridum MURRAY radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
Rheum officinale Baill . radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
Rheum L. PALMATUM var . TAGUNTICUM MAXIM radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
Rheum rhaponticum L. radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Rheum undulatum L. radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
RHODIOLA crenulata ( Hook. f . & THOMSON ) H. OHBA radix radix : Metabolism of carbohydrates. Functionality micrcocircolo . Normal blood circulation.
Rhodiola rosea L. radix radix : Tonic- adaptogen . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Normal mood.
RHODYMENIA Palmata (L.) GREVILLE ( Dulse Seaweed ) thallus thallus : supporting action and tonic.
RHUS AROM AITON radicibus cortex cortex ex ex radicibus : Regularity of intestinal transit .
RHUS Coriaria L. folium folium : Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of intestinal transit .
RHUS GLABRA L. fructus fructus : Drainage of body fluids. Carbohydrate metabolism.
Ribes nigrum L. flos , folium , fructus , bud, semen , oleum folium : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Joint function . Wellbeing of nose and throat. fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Function of the microcirculation . Wellbeing of nose and throat. oleum : Integrity and function of cell membranes.
Ribes rubrum L. folium folium : Feature joint .
Ribes uva - crispa L. folium , folium fructus , fructus : Drainage of body fluids. Digestive function.
Robinia pseudacacia L. flos flos : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Rocella TlNCTORIA DC thallus thallus : Action emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ; streets tract )
ROHODODENDRON Ferrugineum L. folium folium : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Regularity of sweating process . tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Rosa Canina L. fructus , rosae pseudofructus , sùrculi ( young shoots ) fructus , rosae pseudofructus : supporting action and tonic. Regularity of intestinal transit . Antioxidant .
ROSA L. CENTIFOLIA flos , flos atheroleum , atherooleum : Regularity of intestinal transit . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Relaxation and mental well-being .
Rosa gallica L. flos , flos fructus , fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . flos : Action emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system .
ROSMARINUS Officinalis L. folium , sùrculi ( young shoots ) , aetheroleum aetheroleum , folium : digestive function . Liver function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Antioxidant . Regular feature of the cardiovascular system .
RUBIA cordifolia L. radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Regularity of the menstrual cycle . Joint function .
RUBUS CEASIUS L. fructus Rubus fruticosus L.S. L. folium , fructus , sùrculi ( young shoots ) folium : Regularity of intestinal transit . Welfare of the throat. fructus : supporting action and tonic.
Rubus idaeus L. folium , fructus , sùrculi ( young shoots ) folium : Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Regularity of intestinal transit . Welfare of the throat.
RUBUS suavissimus S. LEE folium , fructus Rumex acetosa L. folium , herba , radix folium : Drainage of body fluids. Support action and tonic. radix : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Rumex acetosella L. folium , herba , radix folium : Drainage of body fluids. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
RUMEX acutus L. folium , radix, radix : Regularity of intestinal transit . Purifying functions of the organism.
RUMEX alpinus L. herba , radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Purifying functions of the organism. Digestive function.
Rumex crispus L . folium , radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Purifying functions of the organism.
RUMEX LONGIFOLIUS DC . folium , radix radix : Functions purifying the body. Liver function. Regularity of intestinal transit .
RUMEX obtusifolius L. radix radix : Regularity of intestinal transit . Purifying functions of the organism. RUMEX Patientia L. herba , radix radix : Functions purifying the body. Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Tonic. (Tiredness physical, mental ) .
RUMEX sanguineus L. radix radix : Regularity of intestinal transit . Purifying functions of the organism.
RUMEX scutatus L. folium
Ruscus aculeatus L. radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Functionality of the microcirculation ( heavy legs ) . Functionality of the venous circulation ( functionality the hemorrhoidal plexus ) .
RUSCUS hypoglossum L. folium , rhizoma c . radicibus folium , rhizoma c . radicibus : Functionality of the microcirculation ( heavy legs ) .
SABBATIA ANGULARI Pursh. herba herba : digestive function . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
saccharum Officinarum L. Succus Succus : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
SAGERAEA laurifolia BLATTER folium SALACIA RETICULATA WIGHT radix Salix alba L. cortex , cortex ramolorum ( peels young branches ) , flores ( catkins ) , folium , gem , lympha The daily intake of salicin , to be indicated in label , must not exceed 96 mg . cortex , ramolorum cortex ( bark of young branches ) , folium : Feature joint . Regularity of sweating process . Contrast of localized states of tension .
Of Salix caprea L. The daily intake of cortex salicin , to be indicated in label , must not exceed 96 mg . cortex : Functionality joint . Regularity of sweating process . Contrast of localized states of tension .
SALIX PURPUREA L. The daily intake of cortex salicin , to be indicated in label , must not exceed 96 mg . cortex : Functionality joint . Regularity of sweating process . Contrast of localized states of tension .
SAGE lavandulifolia Vahl aetheroleum SAGE Miltiorrhiza BGE . folium , radix radix : Functionality of the cardiovascular system . Regularity of blood pressure. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Antioxidant .
Salvia officinalis L. folium , folium aetheroleum , aetheroleum : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Contrast the treatment of menopausal symptoms . regularity of the process of sweating. Wellbeing of nose and throat. Antioxidant . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Salvia pratensis L. folium , summitas c . floribus folium : digestive function . Regularity of sweating process . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Salvia sclarea L. flos , herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of sweating process . the contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle . Antioxidant .
SAMBUCUS canadensis L. flos flos : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids.
SAMBUCUS ebulus L. flos flos : Regularity of sweating process . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Relaxation and mental well-being .
SAMBUCUS NlGRA L. cortex , flos , folium , fructus cortex , flos , folium , fructus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids. Natural defenses.
Sanguisorba minor SCOP . herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Drainage of body fluids.
Sanguisorba Officinalis L. herba , radix herba , radix : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Sanicula Europaea L. folium , herba , radix folium , herba , radix : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Purifying functions of the organism. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Santalum album L. cortex , lignum , aetheroleum cortex , lignum , aetheroleum : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Digestive function. adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Antioxidant .
SAPONARIA folium , herba , radix folium , radix : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system .
OFFICINALlS L. Sarracenia purpurea L. folium , folium rhizoma , rhizoma : Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Liver function.
Satureja HORTENSIS L. semen , summitas , aetheroleum Satureja montana L. s. l. folium , herba c . floribus , aetheroleum folium , herba c . floribus : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Wellness and nose throat.
Satureja L. Thymbra herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Fluidity of secretions bronchial . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
SAXIFRAGA Granulated L. folium , radix folium , radix : Drainage of body fluids and function of the respiratory tract.
Schinopsis QUEBRACHO COLORADO ( SCHLTDL. ) F.A. BARKLEY and T. MEYER lignum lignum : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Schinus molle L. folium , fructus , fructus resin : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Resin : Regularity of intestinal transit .
SCHISANDRA CHINENSIS Balll . folium , fructus fructus : Tonic- adaptogen . Antioxidant . Liver function. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
salsify HISPANICA L. radix radix : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Scutellaria baicalensis GEORGI folium , radix radix : Natural defenses. Digestive function. Liver function. Joint function .
Scutellaria Lateriflora L. herba herba : Antioxidant . Relaxation (sleep).
Secale cereale L. fructus , fructus radiculae : Adjust function of the cardiovascular system .
Sedum acre L. folium folium : Regular function of the cardiovascular system .
SEDUM ALBUM L. folium folium : Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of blood pressure. Regular feature of the cardiovascular system .
SEMPERVlVUM Tectorum L. folium , herba folium , herba : Natural defenses.
Sequoiadendron GIGANTEUM ( Lindl. ) J.BUCHH . gem , sùrculi ( young shoots ) gem : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Prostate function .
Serenoa repens ( Batram ) SMALL. ( Syn. SERENOA SERRULATA HOOK F.) WARNING fructus ADDITIONAL : " It is not recommended for use in women of childbearing age and in subjects of both sexes in prepubertal . " fructus : Functionality of the prostate. Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Sesamum indicum L. ( Syn. Sesamum EASTERN L.) semen semen : supporting action and tonic.
Seseli Tortuosum L. fructus fructus : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
SHOREA WlESNERI SCHIFF . resin resin : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Wellness and nose throat.
SIGESBECKIA ORIENTALIS L. folium , radix folium , radix : Natural defenses. Digestive function. Joint function .
SILAUM SILAUS SHINZ ET Thell . fructus , Radix fructus : Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids.
Silybum marianum Gaertn. fructus , herba , fructus tegumen Seminis , Seminis tegumen : digestive function . Liver function. Purifying functions of the organism. Antioxidant . Carbohydrate metabolism. herba : digestive function . Liver function.
SIMABA CEDRON Planch . semen semen : Regularity of sweating process . Natural defenses.
Simarouba AMARA AUBL . cortex cortex : Regularity of sweating process . Natural defenses.
Simmondsia CHINENSIS NUTT . oleum SISON Amomum L. fructus fructus : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Regularity of sweating process . drainage bodily fluids .
Sisymbrium OFFIClNALE SCOP . ( Syn. Erysimum officinale L.) folium , summitas c . floribus folium , summitas c . floribus : Action emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Functionality of the upper tract.
Sium erectum HUDS . herba herba : Functions purifying the body.
Sium LATlFOLIUM L. fructus , herba herba : Tonic and metabolic support .
Sium Ninzi L. radix radix : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Sium SISARUM L. herba , radix radix : digestive function . Drainage of body fluids.
SMILAX ARISTOLOCHIAEFOLIA MILLER radix radix : Functions purifying the body ( well-being of the skin) . Joint function .
SMILAX aspera L. radix radix : Functions purifying the body ( well-being of the skin) . Joint function .
SMILAX CHINA L . radix radix : Functions purifying the body ( well-being of the skin) . Joint function .
SMILAX febrifuga Kunth . radix radix : Functions purifying the body ( well-being of the skin) . Joint function .
MEDICAL SMILAX SCHLECHT et C. radix radix : Functions purifying the body ( well-being of the skin) . Joint function .
SMILAX OFFIClNALIS H.B.K. radix radix : Functions purifying the body ( well-being of the skin) . Joint function .
Smilax ornata LAMK radix radix : Functions purifying the body ( well-being of the skin) . Joint function .
SMILAX regelii KlLLIP et MOR . radix radix : Functions purifying the body ( well-being of the skin) . Joint function .
SMILAX UTILIS Hemsl . radix radix : Functions purifying the body ( well-being of the skin) . Joint function .
SOLANUM aethiopicum fructus fructus : supporting action and tonic. Regularity of blood pressure
SOLANUM LYCOPERSICUM L. fructus fructus : Antioxidant . Prostate function .
Solanum melongena L. fructus fructus : supporting action and tonic. Regularity of blood pressure.
Solanum tuberosum L. tuber tuber : Control of gastric acidity . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
SOLIDAGO VIRGAAUREA L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
SORBUS aucuparia L. fructus , fructus semen : supporting action and tonic. Drainage of body fluids. Control of gastric acidity . semen : Regularity of intestinal transit .
SORGHUM VULGARE PERS. semen semen : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench semen semen : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
SPATHYEMA FOETlDA RAF . herba , radix, rhizoma herba , radix, rhizoma : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Spergularia RUBRA J. Presl et . herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Drainage of body fluids. Functionality and urinary tract infections.
Spilanthes Acmella MURR . var . OLERACEA L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Well-being of nails and hair. Tropism and functionality of the skin.
Spinacia oleracea L. folium folium : Functionality of the digestive system . Support action and tonic.
SPIRULINA MAXIMA thallus thallus : supporting action and tonic.
Spirulina platensis thallus thallus : supporting action and tonic.
SPlLANTHES Acmella MURR . capitula , folium , herba capitula , folium , herba : Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Stachys OFFICINALIS (L.) TREVIS . ( syn. Betonica OFFICINALIS L.) folium , herba , summitas folium , herba , summitas : Contrast localized states of tension .
Stachys L. RECTA herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Liver function. Contrast of localized states of tension . Relaxation and mental well-being .
Stachys sylvatica L. herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Liver function. Contrast of localized states of tension . Relaxation and mental well-being .
Stellaria media VILL . herba herba : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit . Emollient and Soothing ( digestive system ) . Joint function .
: Sterculia urens Roxb . gummi gummi : Regularity of intestinal transit . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Control of gastric acidity .
STYRAX BENZOIDES Craib . balsamum , resin balsamum : Effect balsamic . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal site .
STYRAX BENZOIN Dryander balsamum , resin balsamum : Effect balsamic . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit .
STYRAX OFFlCINALIS L. balsamum , resin balsamum : Effect balsamic . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit .
STYRAX PARALLELONEURUM PERK . balsamum , resin balsamum : Effect balsamic . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit .
STYRAX tonkinensis Crais . balsamum , resin balsamum : Effect balsamic . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Succisa PRATENSIS Moench . flos , folium , herba flos , folium , herba : Regularity of sweating process . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
SWERTIA chirata BUCH . HAM . herba , radix herba , radix : digestive function . Liver function. Drainage of body fluids and function of the respiratory tract. regularity of the process of sweating.
SWERTIA JAPONICA MAKINO herba , radix herba : digestive function . Liver function. Regularity of sweating process .
Syringa vulgaris L. cortex , flos , folium , fructus , bud cortex , flos , folium , fructus : Function digestiva.Funzione impairment. Joint function . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Syzygium AROMATlCUM (L.) MERR . et L. M. PERRY . ( syn. EUGENIA caryophyllata Thunb ; syn. CARYOPHYLLUS Aromaticus L.) flos , folium , fructus , aetheroleum flos , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Wellbeing of nose and throat. Balsamic effect . Antioxidant .
Syzygium cumini Skeels cortex , folium , fructus , semen cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . semen : metabolism of carbohydrates. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Syzygium jambos ALSTON cortex , flos , folium , fructus , semen cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . semen : metabolism of carbohydrates. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Syzygium Malaccense MERR . et L. M. PERRY . cortex , flos , folium cortex , flos , folium : Metabolism of carbohydrates. Functionality of the digestive system . Regularity of intestinal transit .
TABEBUIA avellanedae LORENTZ ex Griseb cortex , flos cortex : Natural defenses. Regularity of sweating process . Purifying functions of the organism. adjust functionality of the cardiovascular system . Regularity of blood pressure. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Tagetes erecta L. capitula capitula : Antioxidant . Well-being of the view.
Tagetes L. MINUTE flos , flos semen : Antioxidant . Well-being of the view.
Tamarindus indica L. fructus , pulpa fructicola , Succus fructus , pulpa fructicola , Succus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Normal volume and consistency of stools .
Tamarix gallica L. cortex , afloat , bud, sùrculi (young jets) cortex , afloat : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Feverfew Parthenium SCH . BIP . capitula , herba c . floribus capitula , herba c . floribus : Feature joint . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Contrasting states of tension localized .
Feverfew VULGARE L. capitula , herba c . floribus , of mmitas capitula , herba c . floribus , summitas : digestive function .
TARAXACUM OFFICINALE WEBER folium , herba c . radicibus , Radix herba c . radicibus , radix : digestive function . Liver function. Regularity of intestinal transit . purifying functions organism. Drainage of body fluids. folium : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
TERMINALIA BELLERICA Roxb . fructus fructus : Hepatic function . Regularity of intestinal transit . Lipid metabolism.
TERMINALIA chebula Retz . fructus fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Liver function. Regularity of sweating process .
TERMINALIA CITRINE Roxb . fructus fructus : Antioxidant . Natural defenses.
Thalictrum flavum L. radix radix : Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Theobroma cacao L. semen semen : Tonic and metabolic support . Antioxidant . Normal mood.
Thlaspi arvense L. semen semen : Feature joint . Purifying functions of the organism. Regularity of sweating process . drainage bodily fluids . Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Thymus serpyllum L. S.L. folium , summitas , aetheroleum folium , summitas , aetheroleum : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Digestive function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gas . Antioxidant . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
Thymus vulgaris L. folium , summitas , aetheroleum folium , summitas , aetheroleum : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Digestive function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gas . Antioxidant . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
Tilia americana L. cortex cortex : Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Functionality of the mucous membranes the respiratory system.
Tilia cordata Mill. cortex sine subere ( aubier ) , flos , folium , gem flos : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress).
TILIA platyphyllos SCOP . cortex , flos , folium , gem flos : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress).
TILIA TOMENTOSA Moench flos , flos gem : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress).
Trachyspermum AMMI SPRAGUE fructus , semen , aetheroleum aetheroleum : digestive function . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Tradescantia M. elongata GFW folium Tragopogon Porrifolius L. ( Salsify ) radix radix : Functions purifying the body. Regularity of blood pressure. Adjust functionality of cardiovascular .
Trametes Suaveolens FR . sporophorum sporophorum : Natural defenses.
Tribulus Terrestris L. fructus , fructus herba : Tonic and metabolic support . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Function of the respiratory tract. function digestion.
Trichilia CATIGUA A. JUSS . ( Catuaba ) cortex cortex : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
TRIDAX procumbens L. herba herba : Hepatic function . Antioxidant . Natural defenses.
Trifolium pratense L. flos , flos herba : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Contrast the treatment of menopausal symptoms . Physiological function of the skin. functions purifying the body.
TRIGONELLA CAERULEA ERA. folium , herba c . floribus TRIGONELLA foenumgraecum L. semen semen : digestive function . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Metabolism of carbohydrates .. metabolism triglycerides and cholesterol .
TRILISA ODORATlSSIMA CASS . folium folium : Animal Welfare and tropism of the mucous membranes . Regularity of sweating process .
TRILLIUM erectum L. rhizoma rhizoma : Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Triticum aestivum L. fructus , fructus germinatus ( malt ) , oleum germinis fructus : source of carbohydrates and protein gluten fructus germinatus ( malt ) : supporting action and tonic. oleum germinis : Antioxidant . Lipid metabolism.
TRITICUM dicoccon SCHRANK . fructus
Tropaeolum MAJUS L. folium , fructus , herba , herba semen , folium : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Tropaeolum MINUS L. fructus , herba herba : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Tsuga canadensis CARR . cortex , folium , summitas , resin cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Welfare of the throat. Regularity of sweating process .
Turnera diffusa WlLLD . folium , flos , folium summitas : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Drainage of liquids body and function of the respiratory tract.
ULMUS CAMPESTRIS L. cortex , bud cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
ULMUS fawn Michx . cortex , folium , bud cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
ULMUS MINOR MILLER cortex , flos , folium , bud cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
U. rubra Muhl . cortex , bud cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Ulva spp. thallus thallus : supporting action and tonic.
umbilicus ERECTUS DC . folium , herba herba : Trofismo of the skin.
umbilicus Horizontalis DC . folium , herba herba : Trofismo of the skin.
umbilicus RUPESTRIS DANDY folium , herba herba : Trofismo of the skin.
UNCARIA GAMBIR Roxb . folium , folium summitas , summitas : Regularity of intestinal transit .
UNCARIA RHYNCOPHYLLA MIQ . Caules ( drums ) , harpagones ( hooks ) succus Caules ( drums ) , harpagones ( hooks ) , succus : Relaxation and mental well-being .
Cat's Claw Willd. (ex SCHULT . ) DC . cortex , radix cortex : Functionality joint . Natural defenses.
Undaria pinnatifida ( HARVEY ) Suringar ( Wakame seaweed ) thallus thallus : Well-being of nails and hair. Tropism and functionality of the skin. Balance of body weight. purifying functions organism.
Urtica dioica L. folium , radix, summitas folium , summitas : Feature joint . Physiological functions of the body cleansing . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Well-being of nails and hair. radix : Functionality of the prostate.
URTICA urens L. folium , radix, summitas folium : Feature joint . Physiological functions of the body cleansing . Drainage of body fluids. functionality of the upper respiratory tract. radix : Functionality of the prostate.
Usnea barbata L. s. l. thallus thallus : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
Usnea PLICATA WIGGERS thallus thallus : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
GOOSEBERRIES (see REDCURRANT Uva-crispa L.) folium , fructus fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit .
VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM L. fructus fructus : Functionality of the microcirculation ( heavy legs ) . Antioxidant . Well-being of the view. Regularity of the transit intestine.
VACCINIUM macrocarpum AITON ( Cranberry ) folium , fructus fructus : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Antioxidant . Regularity of intestinal transit .
VACCINIUM MYRTILLUS folium , fructus , sùrculi ( young shoots ) fructus : Functionality of the microcirculation ( heavy legs ) . Antioxidant . Well-being of the view. Regularity of the transit L. intestine. folium : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
VACCINIUM Uliginosum L. folium , fructus fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. folium : Antioxidant
VACCINIUM VITISIDAEA L. flos , folium , fructus , sùrculi (young jets) folium : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit . fructus : Antiossisante .
VALERIANA CELTIC L. radix radix : Relaxation (in case of stress) ; mental well-being .
VALERIANA Officinalis L. radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress)
VALERIANA Officinalis L. ssp. SAMBUCIFOLIA radix radix : Relaxation (sleep).
VALERIANA PHU L. Relaxation radix radix (in case of stress) ; mental well-being .
CORN LOCUST L. folium folium : Drainage of body fluids. Purifying functions of the organism.
VANILLA FRAGRANS ( SALIS. ) AMES fructus , fructus oleoresin , oleoresin : Metabolism of carbohydrates.
Vanilla planifolia ANDREWS fructus , fructus oleoresin , oleoresin : Metabolism of carbohydrates.
Vateria INDICATES L. resin resin : Functions purifying the body. Regularity of intestinal transit . Joint function .
Verbascum Densiflorum BERT. flos , folium , herba c . floribus flos , folium : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . relaxation and mental well-being .
Verbascum nigrum L. flos , flos folium , folium : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . relaxation and mental well-being .
Verbascum PHLOMOIDES L. flos , folium , herba c . floribus flos , folium : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . relaxation and mental well-being .
Verbascum THAPSUS L. flos , folium , herba c . floribus flos , folium : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . relaxation and mental well-being .
VERBENA OFFICINALIS L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Relaxation and mental well-being . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Contrast disorders of menopause. Digestive function. Liver function.
VERONICA Allioni F.W. SCHMIDT herba herba : digestive function . Liver function. Regularity of sweating process . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
VERONICA ANAGALLISAQUATICA L. folium folium : supporting action and tonic.
VERONICA AUSTRIAN L. ssp. TEUCRIUM WEBB herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : digestive function . Liver function. Purifying functions of the organism. Regularity of intestinal transit .
VERONICA Beccabunga L. folium folium : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit .
VERONICA Chamaedrys L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : digestive function . Liver function. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
VERONICA OFFICINALIS L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : digestive function . Liver function. Regularity of sweating process . Functionality of the upper tract.
VETlVERIA Zizanioides NASH . radix, radix aetheroleum : digestive function . Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system .
VlCIA ervilia Willd. semen Vicia faba L. flos , fructus , herba c . floribus , semen flos , fructus , Drainage of body fluids. Functional urinary tract.
THE PURPLE DOG . flos flos : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Viola odorata L. flos , folium , rhizoma flos , folium : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
VIOLA L. TRlCOLOR s. l. flos , herba c . floribus flos , herba c . floribus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Purifying functions of the body ( well-being of skin). joint functionality .
Viscum album L. folium , herba , sùrculi ( young shoots ) folium , herba : Antioxidant . Lipid metabolism.
Vitex agnus - CASTUS L.folium , fructus , fructus radix : Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Vitis vinifera L. folium , fructus , bud, semen , oleum folium , semen : Functionality of the microcirculation ( heavy legs ) . Antioxidant . Adjust functionality of cardiovascular . oleum : Integrity and function of cell membranes. Tropism and functionality of the skin. The contrast of urea cycle disorders menstruation. Joint function .
Wasabia japonica ( Miq. ) Matsum ( syn. EUTREMA JAPONICA ( Miq. ) KOIDZ ) hypogaeos caulis , radix hypogaeos caulis , radix : digestive function .
Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal . radix radix : Tonic- adaptogen . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Relaxation and mental well-being . natural defenses organism.
Xeranthemum ANNUUM L. flos Yucca filamentosa L. folium , herba folium , herba : Feature joint . Carbohydrate metabolism. Regularity of intestinal transit .
yucca genus ROEZL former Ortgies folium , herba herba : Feature joint . Carbohydrate metabolism. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Zanthoxylum ACANTHOPODIUM DC . cortex , cortex fructus , fructus : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
Zanthoxylum Americanum MILL . cortex , fructus cortex : Normal blood circulation. Digestive function. Joint function .
Zanthoxylum Armatum DC . cortex , cortex fructus , fructus : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
Zanthoxylum Piperitum (L.) DC . fructus fructus : digestive function .
ZEA MAYS L. stigmata stigmata : Drainage of body fluids and function of the respiratory tract. Prostate function .
ZEA MAYS L. var . saccharata ( STURTEV. ) L. H. BAILEY fructus , radix, stigmata stigmata : Drainage of body fluids and function of the respiratory tract. Prostate function .
ZINGIBER OFFICINALIS ROSC . rhizoma , aetheroleum rhizoma , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Antinauseants . adjust functionality of the cardiovascular system . Normal blood circulation. Joint function . Contrasting states of tension localized . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Watkins jujube MILLER cortex , folium , fructus , semen semen : Relaxation ( sleep) and mental well-being . fructus : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Intestinal transit.
Pterocarpus Marsupium Roxb . lignum , Succus inspissitus Succus inspissitus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Pterocarpus SANTALINUS L. f . lignum lignum : Regularity of intestinal transit . Natural defenses.
Ptychopetalum Olacoides Benth . ( Muira Puama ) cortex , cortex former radicibus , lignum cortex , cortex former radicibus , lignum : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Antioxidant .
Pueraria lobata ( Willd. ) Ohwi . radix, rhizoma , radix, rhizoma , joint functionality . Regularity of blood pressure. Regularity of intestinal transit . adjust functionality of the cardiovascular system .
Pueraria TUBEROSA ( Roxb. ex Willd. ) DC . rhizoma rhizoma : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system , urinary tract ) . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. functionality articular .
Pulmonaria OFFICINALlS L. folium , herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Effect balsamic . Welfare of the throat. Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
Punica granatum L. flos , fructus , pericarpium , semen fructus : Antioxidant . pericarpium : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system .
Pyrola ROTUNDIFOLIA L. folium folium : Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the system tract.
Pyrus communis L. folium folium : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Prostate function .
PYRUS SORBUS Gaertn. ( syn. SORBUS DOMESTIC L.) gem Quassia amara L. lignum lignum : digestive function .
OAK L. cortex , fructus , lignum cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and the tropism of the mucous membranes .
WHITE OAK Coccifera L.cortex cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Quercus ilex L. cortex , fructus , lignum , sùrculi (young jets) cortex , fructus , lignum : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
WHITE OAK infectoria OLIV . afloat afloat : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
WHITE OAK petraea LIEBL . cortex , folium , semen cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Quercus pubescens WlLLD . cortex cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Quercus robur L. cortex , folium , afloat , bud, lignum , semen cortex , afloat : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Quercus suber L . cortex cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Control of gastric acidity .
Quillaja saponaria GOP. cortex cortex : Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Quillaja SMEGMADERMOS DC . cortex cortex : Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
RAPHANUS SATIVUS L. var . NIGER MILLER semen , semen radix , radix : digestive function . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Fluidity of secretions bronchial . Antioxidant .
RAPHANUS SATIVUS L. var . SATIVUS PERS. semen , semen radix , radix : digestive function . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Fluidity of secretions bronchial . Antioxidant .
RAPHIA pedunculata Beauv . amylum (ex trunco ) amylum : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
Ravensara AROMATlCA GMEL . fructus fructus : Effect balsamic . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper tract.
Rhamnus alpinus L. cortex , cortex fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
Rhamnus alpinus L. SSP M. fallax and P. cortex , cortex fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
Rhamnus Catharticus L. cortex , cortex immaturus fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
Rhamnus frangula L. cortex cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
Rhamnus purshiana DC cortex cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
Rehmannia GLUTINOSA ( Gaertn. ) LIBOSCH . radix radix : Hepatic function
Rheum emodi WALL . radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
Rheum hybridum MURRAY radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
Rheum officinale Baill . radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
Rheum L. PALMATUM var . TAGUNTICUM MAXIM radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
Rheum rhaponticum L. radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Rheum undulatum L. radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
RHODIOLA crenulata ( Hook. f . & THOMSON ) H. OHBA radix radix : Metabolism of carbohydrates. Functionality micrcocircolo . Normal blood circulation.
Rhodiola rosea L. radix radix : Tonic- adaptogen . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Normal mood.
RHODYMENIA Palmata (L.) GREVILLE ( Dulse Seaweed ) thallus thallus : supporting action and tonic.
RHUS AROM AITON radicibus cortex cortex ex ex radicibus : Regularity of intestinal transit .
RHUS Coriaria L. folium folium : Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of intestinal transit .
RHUS GLABRA L. fructus fructus : Drainage of body fluids. Carbohydrate metabolism.
Ribes nigrum L. flos , folium , fructus , bud, semen , oleum folium : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Joint function . Wellbeing of nose and throat. fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Function of the microcirculation . Wellbeing of nose and throat. oleum : Integrity and function of cell membranes.
Ribes rubrum L. folium folium : Feature joint .
Ribes uva - crispa L. folium , folium fructus , fructus : Drainage of body fluids. Digestive function.
Robinia pseudacacia L. flos flos : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Rocella TlNCTORIA DC thallus thallus : Action emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ; streets tract )
ROHODODENDRON Ferrugineum L. folium folium : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Regularity of sweating process . tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Rosa Canina L. fructus , rosae pseudofructus , sùrculi ( young shoots ) fructus , rosae pseudofructus : supporting action and tonic. Regularity of intestinal transit . Antioxidant .
ROSA L. CENTIFOLIA flos , flos atheroleum , atherooleum : Regularity of intestinal transit . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Relaxation and mental well-being .
Rosa gallica L. flos , flos fructus , fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . flos : Action emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system .
ROSMARINUS Officinalis L. folium , sùrculi ( young shoots ) , aetheroleum aetheroleum , folium : digestive function . Liver function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Antioxidant . Regular feature of the cardiovascular system .
RUBIA cordifolia L. radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Regularity of the menstrual cycle . Joint function .
RUBUS CEASIUS L. fructus Rubus fruticosus L.S. L. folium , fructus , sùrculi ( young shoots ) folium : Regularity of intestinal transit . Welfare of the throat. fructus : supporting action and tonic.
Rubus idaeus L. folium , fructus , sùrculi ( young shoots ) folium : Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Regularity of intestinal transit . Welfare of the throat.
RUBUS suavissimus S. LEE folium , fructus Rumex acetosa L. folium , herba , radix folium : Drainage of body fluids. Support action and tonic. radix : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Rumex acetosella L. folium , herba , radix folium : Drainage of body fluids. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
RUMEX acutus L. folium , radix, radix : Regularity of intestinal transit . Purifying functions of the organism.
RUMEX alpinus L. herba , radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Purifying functions of the organism. Digestive function.
Rumex crispus L . folium , radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Purifying functions of the organism.
RUMEX LONGIFOLIUS DC . folium , radix radix : Functions purifying the body. Liver function. Regularity of intestinal transit .
RUMEX obtusifolius L. radix radix : Regularity of intestinal transit . Purifying functions of the organism. RUMEX Patientia L. herba , radix radix : Functions purifying the body. Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Tonic. (Tiredness physical, mental ) .
RUMEX sanguineus L. radix radix : Regularity of intestinal transit . Purifying functions of the organism.
RUMEX scutatus L. folium
Ruscus aculeatus L. radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Functionality of the microcirculation ( heavy legs ) . Functionality of the venous circulation ( functionality the hemorrhoidal plexus ) .
RUSCUS hypoglossum L. folium , rhizoma c . radicibus folium , rhizoma c . radicibus : Functionality of the microcirculation ( heavy legs ) .
SABBATIA ANGULARI Pursh. herba herba : digestive function . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
saccharum Officinarum L. Succus Succus : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
SAGERAEA laurifolia BLATTER folium SALACIA RETICULATA WIGHT radix Salix alba L. cortex , cortex ramolorum ( peels young branches ) , flores ( catkins ) , folium , gem , lympha The daily intake of salicin , to be indicated in label , must not exceed 96 mg . cortex , ramolorum cortex ( bark of young branches ) , folium : Feature joint . Regularity of sweating process . Contrast of localized states of tension .
Of Salix caprea L. The daily intake of cortex salicin , to be indicated in label , must not exceed 96 mg . cortex : Functionality joint . Regularity of sweating process . Contrast of localized states of tension .
SALIX PURPUREA L. The daily intake of cortex salicin , to be indicated in label , must not exceed 96 mg . cortex : Functionality joint . Regularity of sweating process . Contrast of localized states of tension .
SAGE lavandulifolia Vahl aetheroleum SAGE Miltiorrhiza BGE . folium , radix radix : Functionality of the cardiovascular system . Regularity of blood pressure. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Antioxidant .
Salvia officinalis L. folium , folium aetheroleum , aetheroleum : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Contrast the treatment of menopausal symptoms . regularity of the process of sweating. Wellbeing of nose and throat. Antioxidant . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Salvia pratensis L. folium , summitas c . floribus folium : digestive function . Regularity of sweating process . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Salvia sclarea L. flos , herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of sweating process . the contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle . Antioxidant .
SAMBUCUS canadensis L. flos flos : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids.
SAMBUCUS ebulus L. flos flos : Regularity of sweating process . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Relaxation and mental well-being .
SAMBUCUS NlGRA L. cortex , flos , folium , fructus cortex , flos , folium , fructus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids. Natural defenses.
Sanguisorba minor SCOP . herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Drainage of body fluids.
Sanguisorba Officinalis L. herba , radix herba , radix : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Sanicula Europaea L. folium , herba , radix folium , herba , radix : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Purifying functions of the organism. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Santalum album L. cortex , lignum , aetheroleum cortex , lignum , aetheroleum : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Digestive function. adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Antioxidant .
SAPONARIA folium , herba , radix folium , radix : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system .
OFFICINALlS L. Sarracenia purpurea L. folium , folium rhizoma , rhizoma : Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Liver function.
Satureja HORTENSIS L. semen , summitas , aetheroleum Satureja montana L. s. l. folium , herba c . floribus , aetheroleum folium , herba c . floribus : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Wellness and nose throat.
Satureja L. Thymbra herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Fluidity of secretions bronchial . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
SAXIFRAGA Granulated L. folium , radix folium , radix : Drainage of body fluids and function of the respiratory tract.
Schinopsis QUEBRACHO COLORADO ( SCHLTDL. ) F.A. BARKLEY and T. MEYER lignum lignum : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Schinus molle L. folium , fructus , fructus resin : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Resin : Regularity of intestinal transit .
SCHISANDRA CHINENSIS Balll . folium , fructus fructus : Tonic- adaptogen . Antioxidant . Liver function. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
salsify HISPANICA L. radix radix : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Scutellaria baicalensis GEORGI folium , radix radix : Natural defenses. Digestive function. Liver function. Joint function .
Scutellaria Lateriflora L. herba herba : Antioxidant . Relaxation (sleep).
Secale cereale L. fructus , fructus radiculae : Adjust function of the cardiovascular system .
Sedum acre L. folium folium : Regular function of the cardiovascular system .
SEDUM ALBUM L. folium folium : Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of blood pressure. Regular feature of the cardiovascular system .
SEMPERVlVUM Tectorum L. folium , herba folium , herba : Natural defenses.
Sequoiadendron GIGANTEUM ( Lindl. ) J.BUCHH . gem , sùrculi ( young shoots ) gem : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Prostate function .
Serenoa repens ( Batram ) SMALL. ( Syn. SERENOA SERRULATA HOOK F.) WARNING fructus ADDITIONAL : " It is not recommended for use in women of childbearing age and in subjects of both sexes in prepubertal . " fructus : Functionality of the prostate. Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Sesamum indicum L. ( Syn. Sesamum EASTERN L.) semen semen : supporting action and tonic.
Seseli Tortuosum L. fructus fructus : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
SHOREA WlESNERI SCHIFF . resin resin : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Wellness and nose throat.
SIGESBECKIA ORIENTALIS L. folium , radix folium , radix : Natural defenses. Digestive function. Joint function .
SILAUM SILAUS SHINZ ET Thell . fructus , Radix fructus : Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids.
Silybum marianum Gaertn. fructus , herba , fructus tegumen Seminis , Seminis tegumen : digestive function . Liver function. Purifying functions of the organism. Antioxidant . Carbohydrate metabolism. herba : digestive function . Liver function.
SIMABA CEDRON Planch . semen semen : Regularity of sweating process . Natural defenses.
Simarouba AMARA AUBL . cortex cortex : Regularity of sweating process . Natural defenses.
Simmondsia CHINENSIS NUTT . oleum SISON Amomum L. fructus fructus : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Regularity of sweating process . drainage bodily fluids .
Sisymbrium OFFIClNALE SCOP . ( Syn. Erysimum officinale L.) folium , summitas c . floribus folium , summitas c . floribus : Action emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Functionality of the upper tract.
Sium erectum HUDS . herba herba : Functions purifying the body.
Sium LATlFOLIUM L. fructus , herba herba : Tonic and metabolic support .
Sium Ninzi L. radix radix : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Sium SISARUM L. herba , radix radix : digestive function . Drainage of body fluids.
SMILAX ARISTOLOCHIAEFOLIA MILLER radix radix : Functions purifying the body ( well-being of the skin) . Joint function .
SMILAX aspera L. radix radix : Functions purifying the body ( well-being of the skin) . Joint function .
SMILAX CHINA L . radix radix : Functions purifying the body ( well-being of the skin) . Joint function .
SMILAX febrifuga Kunth . radix radix : Functions purifying the body ( well-being of the skin) . Joint function .
MEDICAL SMILAX SCHLECHT et C. radix radix : Functions purifying the body ( well-being of the skin) . Joint function .
SMILAX OFFIClNALIS H.B.K. radix radix : Functions purifying the body ( well-being of the skin) . Joint function .
Smilax ornata LAMK radix radix : Functions purifying the body ( well-being of the skin) . Joint function .
SMILAX regelii KlLLIP et MOR . radix radix : Functions purifying the body ( well-being of the skin) . Joint function .
SMILAX UTILIS Hemsl . radix radix : Functions purifying the body ( well-being of the skin) . Joint function .
SOLANUM aethiopicum fructus fructus : supporting action and tonic. Regularity of blood pressure
SOLANUM LYCOPERSICUM L. fructus fructus : Antioxidant . Prostate function .
Solanum melongena L. fructus fructus : supporting action and tonic. Regularity of blood pressure.
Solanum tuberosum L. tuber tuber : Control of gastric acidity . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
SOLIDAGO VIRGAAUREA L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
SORBUS aucuparia L. fructus , fructus semen : supporting action and tonic. Drainage of body fluids. Control of gastric acidity . semen : Regularity of intestinal transit .
SORGHUM VULGARE PERS. semen semen : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench semen semen : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
SPATHYEMA FOETlDA RAF . herba , radix, rhizoma herba , radix, rhizoma : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Spergularia RUBRA J. Presl et . herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Drainage of body fluids. Functionality and urinary tract infections.
Spilanthes Acmella MURR . var . OLERACEA L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Well-being of nails and hair. Tropism and functionality of the skin.
Spinacia oleracea L. folium folium : Functionality of the digestive system . Support action and tonic.
SPIRULINA MAXIMA thallus thallus : supporting action and tonic.
Spirulina platensis thallus thallus : supporting action and tonic.
SPlLANTHES Acmella MURR . capitula , folium , herba capitula , folium , herba : Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Stachys OFFICINALIS (L.) TREVIS . ( syn. Betonica OFFICINALIS L.) folium , herba , summitas folium , herba , summitas : Contrast localized states of tension .
Stachys L. RECTA herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Liver function. Contrast of localized states of tension . Relaxation and mental well-being .
Stachys sylvatica L. herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Liver function. Contrast of localized states of tension . Relaxation and mental well-being .
Stellaria media VILL . herba herba : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit . Emollient and Soothing ( digestive system ) . Joint function .
: Sterculia urens Roxb . gummi gummi : Regularity of intestinal transit . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Control of gastric acidity .
STYRAX BENZOIDES Craib . balsamum , resin balsamum : Effect balsamic . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal site .
STYRAX BENZOIN Dryander balsamum , resin balsamum : Effect balsamic . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit .
STYRAX OFFlCINALIS L. balsamum , resin balsamum : Effect balsamic . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit .
STYRAX PARALLELONEURUM PERK . balsamum , resin balsamum : Effect balsamic . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit .
STYRAX tonkinensis Crais . balsamum , resin balsamum : Effect balsamic . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Succisa PRATENSIS Moench . flos , folium , herba flos , folium , herba : Regularity of sweating process . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
SWERTIA chirata BUCH . HAM . herba , radix herba , radix : digestive function . Liver function. Drainage of body fluids and function of the respiratory tract. regularity of the process of sweating.
SWERTIA JAPONICA MAKINO herba , radix herba : digestive function . Liver function. Regularity of sweating process .
Syringa vulgaris L. cortex , flos , folium , fructus , bud cortex , flos , folium , fructus : Function digestiva.Funzione impairment. Joint function . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Syzygium AROMATlCUM (L.) MERR . et L. M. PERRY . ( syn. EUGENIA caryophyllata Thunb ; syn. CARYOPHYLLUS Aromaticus L.) flos , folium , fructus , aetheroleum flos , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Wellbeing of nose and throat. Balsamic effect . Antioxidant .
Syzygium cumini Skeels cortex , folium , fructus , semen cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . semen : metabolism of carbohydrates. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Syzygium jambos ALSTON cortex , flos , folium , fructus , semen cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . semen : metabolism of carbohydrates. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Syzygium Malaccense MERR . et L. M. PERRY . cortex , flos , folium cortex , flos , folium : Metabolism of carbohydrates. Functionality of the digestive system . Regularity of intestinal transit .
TABEBUIA avellanedae LORENTZ ex Griseb cortex , flos cortex : Natural defenses. Regularity of sweating process . Purifying functions of the organism. adjust functionality of the cardiovascular system . Regularity of blood pressure. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Tagetes erecta L. capitula capitula : Antioxidant . Well-being of the view.
Tagetes L. MINUTE flos , flos semen : Antioxidant . Well-being of the view.
Tamarindus indica L. fructus , pulpa fructicola , Succus fructus , pulpa fructicola , Succus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Normal volume and consistency of stools .
Tamarix gallica L. cortex , afloat , bud, sùrculi (young jets) cortex , afloat : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Feverfew Parthenium SCH . BIP . capitula , herba c . floribus capitula , herba c . floribus : Feature joint . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Contrasting states of tension localized .
Feverfew VULGARE L. capitula , herba c . floribus , of mmitas capitula , herba c . floribus , summitas : digestive function .
TARAXACUM OFFICINALE WEBER folium , herba c . radicibus , Radix herba c . radicibus , radix : digestive function . Liver function. Regularity of intestinal transit . purifying functions organism. Drainage of body fluids. folium : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
TERMINALIA BELLERICA Roxb . fructus fructus : Hepatic function . Regularity of intestinal transit . Lipid metabolism.
TERMINALIA chebula Retz . fructus fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Liver function. Regularity of sweating process .
TERMINALIA CITRINE Roxb . fructus fructus : Antioxidant . Natural defenses.
Thalictrum flavum L. radix radix : Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Theobroma cacao L. semen semen : Tonic and metabolic support . Antioxidant . Normal mood.
Thlaspi arvense L. semen semen : Feature joint . Purifying functions of the organism. Regularity of sweating process . drainage bodily fluids . Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Thymus serpyllum L. S.L. folium , summitas , aetheroleum folium , summitas , aetheroleum : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Digestive function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gas . Antioxidant . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
Thymus vulgaris L. folium , summitas , aetheroleum folium , summitas , aetheroleum : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Digestive function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gas . Antioxidant . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
Tilia americana L. cortex cortex : Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Functionality of the mucous membranes the respiratory system.
Tilia cordata Mill. cortex sine subere ( aubier ) , flos , folium , gem flos : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress).
TILIA platyphyllos SCOP . cortex , flos , folium , gem flos : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress).
TILIA TOMENTOSA Moench flos , flos gem : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress).
Trachyspermum AMMI SPRAGUE fructus , semen , aetheroleum aetheroleum : digestive function . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Tradescantia M. elongata GFW folium Tragopogon Porrifolius L. ( Salsify ) radix radix : Functions purifying the body. Regularity of blood pressure. Adjust functionality of cardiovascular .
Trametes Suaveolens FR . sporophorum sporophorum : Natural defenses.
Tribulus Terrestris L. fructus , fructus herba : Tonic and metabolic support . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Function of the respiratory tract. function digestion.
Trichilia CATIGUA A. JUSS . ( Catuaba ) cortex cortex : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
TRIDAX procumbens L. herba herba : Hepatic function . Antioxidant . Natural defenses.
Trifolium pratense L. flos , flos herba : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Contrast the treatment of menopausal symptoms . Physiological function of the skin. functions purifying the body.
TRIGONELLA CAERULEA ERA. folium , herba c . floribus TRIGONELLA foenumgraecum L. semen semen : digestive function . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Metabolism of carbohydrates .. metabolism triglycerides and cholesterol .
TRILISA ODORATlSSIMA CASS . folium folium : Animal Welfare and tropism of the mucous membranes . Regularity of sweating process .
TRILLIUM erectum L. rhizoma rhizoma : Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Triticum aestivum L. fructus , fructus germinatus ( malt ) , oleum germinis fructus : source of carbohydrates and protein gluten fructus germinatus ( malt ) : supporting action and tonic. oleum germinis : Antioxidant . Lipid metabolism.
TRITICUM dicoccon SCHRANK . fructus
Tropaeolum MAJUS L. folium , fructus , herba , herba semen , folium : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Tropaeolum MINUS L. fructus , herba herba : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Tsuga canadensis CARR . cortex , folium , summitas , resin cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Welfare of the throat. Regularity of sweating process .
Turnera diffusa WlLLD . folium , flos , folium summitas : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Drainage of liquids body and function of the respiratory tract.
ULMUS CAMPESTRIS L. cortex , bud cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
ULMUS fawn Michx . cortex , folium , bud cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
ULMUS MINOR MILLER cortex , flos , folium , bud cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
U. rubra Muhl . cortex , bud cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Ulva spp. thallus thallus : supporting action and tonic.
umbilicus ERECTUS DC . folium , herba herba : Trofismo of the skin.
umbilicus Horizontalis DC . folium , herba herba : Trofismo of the skin.
umbilicus RUPESTRIS DANDY folium , herba herba : Trofismo of the skin.
UNCARIA GAMBIR Roxb . folium , folium summitas , summitas : Regularity of intestinal transit .
UNCARIA RHYNCOPHYLLA MIQ . Caules ( drums ) , harpagones ( hooks ) succus Caules ( drums ) , harpagones ( hooks ) , succus : Relaxation and mental well-being .
Cat's Claw Willd. (ex SCHULT . ) DC . cortex , radix cortex : Functionality joint . Natural defenses.
Undaria pinnatifida ( HARVEY ) Suringar ( Wakame seaweed ) thallus thallus : Well-being of nails and hair. Tropism and functionality of the skin. Balance of body weight. purifying functions organism.
Urtica dioica L. folium , radix, summitas folium , summitas : Feature joint . Physiological functions of the body cleansing . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Well-being of nails and hair. radix : Functionality of the prostate.
URTICA urens L. folium , radix, summitas folium : Feature joint . Physiological functions of the body cleansing . Drainage of body fluids. functionality of the upper respiratory tract. radix : Functionality of the prostate.
Usnea barbata L. s. l. thallus thallus : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
Usnea PLICATA WIGGERS thallus thallus : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
GOOSEBERRIES (see REDCURRANT Uva-crispa L.) folium , fructus fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit .
VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM L. fructus fructus : Functionality of the microcirculation ( heavy legs ) . Antioxidant . Well-being of the view. Regularity of the transit intestine.
VACCINIUM macrocarpum AITON ( Cranberry ) folium , fructus fructus : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Antioxidant . Regularity of intestinal transit .
VACCINIUM MYRTILLUS folium , fructus , sùrculi ( young shoots ) fructus : Functionality of the microcirculation ( heavy legs ) . Antioxidant . Well-being of the view. Regularity of the transit L. intestine. folium : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
VACCINIUM Uliginosum L. folium , fructus fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. folium : Antioxidant
VACCINIUM VITISIDAEA L. flos , folium , fructus , sùrculi (young jets) folium : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit . fructus : Antiossisante .
VALERIANA CELTIC L. radix radix : Relaxation (in case of stress) ; mental well-being .
VALERIANA Officinalis L. radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress)
VALERIANA Officinalis L. ssp. SAMBUCIFOLIA radix radix : Relaxation (sleep).
VALERIANA PHU L. Relaxation radix radix (in case of stress) ; mental well-being .
CORN LOCUST L. folium folium : Drainage of body fluids. Purifying functions of the organism.
VANILLA FRAGRANS ( SALIS. ) AMES fructus , fructus oleoresin , oleoresin : Metabolism of carbohydrates.
Vanilla planifolia ANDREWS fructus , fructus oleoresin , oleoresin : Metabolism of carbohydrates.
Vateria INDICATES L. resin resin : Functions purifying the body. Regularity of intestinal transit . Joint function .
Verbascum Densiflorum BERT. flos , folium , herba c . floribus flos , folium : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . relaxation and mental well-being .
Verbascum nigrum L. flos , flos folium , folium : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . relaxation and mental well-being .
Verbascum PHLOMOIDES L. flos , folium , herba c . floribus flos , folium : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . relaxation and mental well-being .
Verbascum THAPSUS L. flos , folium , herba c . floribus flos , folium : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . relaxation and mental well-being .
VERBENA OFFICINALIS L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Relaxation and mental well-being . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Contrast disorders of menopause. Digestive function. Liver function.
VERONICA Allioni F.W. SCHMIDT herba herba : digestive function . Liver function. Regularity of sweating process . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
VERONICA ANAGALLISAQUATICA L. folium folium : supporting action and tonic.
VERONICA AUSTRIAN L. ssp. TEUCRIUM WEBB herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : digestive function . Liver function. Purifying functions of the organism. Regularity of intestinal transit .
VERONICA Beccabunga L. folium folium : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit .
VERONICA Chamaedrys L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : digestive function . Liver function. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
VERONICA OFFICINALIS L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : digestive function . Liver function. Regularity of sweating process . Functionality of the upper tract.
VETlVERIA Zizanioides NASH . radix, radix aetheroleum : digestive function . Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system .
VlCIA ervilia Willd. semen Vicia faba L. flos , fructus , herba c . floribus , semen flos , fructus , Drainage of body fluids. Functional urinary tract.
THE PURPLE DOG . flos flos : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Viola odorata L. flos , folium , rhizoma flos , folium : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
VIOLA L. TRlCOLOR s. l. flos , herba c . floribus flos , herba c . floribus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Purifying functions of the body ( well-being of skin). joint functionality .
Viscum album L. folium , herba , sùrculi ( young shoots ) folium , herba : Antioxidant . Lipid metabolism.
Vitex agnus - CASTUS L.folium , fructus , fructus radix : Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Vitis vinifera L. folium , fructus , bud, semen , oleum folium , semen : Functionality of the microcirculation ( heavy legs ) . Antioxidant . Adjust functionality of cardiovascular . oleum : Integrity and function of cell membranes. Tropism and functionality of the skin. The contrast of urea cycle disorders menstruation. Joint function .
Wasabia japonica ( Miq. ) Matsum ( syn. EUTREMA JAPONICA ( Miq. ) KOIDZ ) hypogaeos caulis , radix hypogaeos caulis , radix : digestive function .
Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal . radix radix : Tonic- adaptogen . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Relaxation and mental well-being . natural defenses organism.
Xeranthemum ANNUUM L. flos Yucca filamentosa L. folium , herba folium , herba : Feature joint . Carbohydrate metabolism. Regularity of intestinal transit .
yucca genus ROEZL former Ortgies folium , herba herba : Feature joint . Carbohydrate metabolism. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Zanthoxylum ACANTHOPODIUM DC . cortex , cortex fructus , fructus : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
Zanthoxylum Americanum MILL . cortex , fructus cortex : Normal blood circulation. Digestive function. Joint function .
Zanthoxylum Armatum DC . cortex , cortex fructus , fructus : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
Zanthoxylum Piperitum (L.) DC . fructus fructus : digestive function .
ZEA MAYS L. stigmata stigmata : Drainage of body fluids and function of the respiratory tract. Prostate function .
ZEA MAYS L. var . saccharata ( STURTEV. ) L. H. BAILEY fructus , radix, stigmata stigmata : Drainage of body fluids and function of the respiratory tract. Prostate function .
ZINGIBER OFFICINALIS ROSC . rhizoma , aetheroleum rhizoma , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Antinauseants . adjust functionality of the cardiovascular system . Normal blood circulation. Joint function . Contrasting states of tension localized . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Watkins jujube MILLER cortex , folium , fructus , semen semen : Relaxation ( sleep) and mental well-being . fructus : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Intestinal transit.
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